Friday, June 1, 2012

The GeezeCorps and The Desperate Generation

     In my few and far between moments of lucidity, I get these ideas.  Often times they're not so much ideas as they are sort of bits of info that I think that maybe I can expand on, form into, or concoct into something worth blogging about or making a snappy Facebook post or the rare tweet that I send out.  I usually grab my cell phone and enter something on the memo pad to remind me of what it was.  The problem:  I've gone back and looked at old saved memos, see things like "dig cam," "ener fle won," and "LeBron" something and have to sit there and try to decipher what it was that I felt was so important at the time to stop and write a future hieroglyphic-filled note about.  Back in the old days you'd of done stuff like this on scrap pieces of paper, ended up losing them and saving you a bunch of head-scratching time at the end.
     There was one particular idea that stayed with me without the use of portable devices or scraps of paper, though.  Social Security is bailing, right?  The government is broke and getting more so.  Baby Boomers are aging by the millions and the young people don't want us.  Senior citizens need to keep occupied and still prove their worth, right?  My solution:  In the spirit of the early 60's and the New Frontier, I'm going to organize a new socially-conscious, fiscally smart, self-preservation oriented group for older types called The GeezeCorps.
     Under this scenario, waves of slow-moving and Geritol-fueled seniors would swarm the country through shopping malls, lonely country roads, homeless-filled skid rows, and the occasional snotty Country Club spreading the message of self-love and self-reliance, while at the same time picking up the odd piece of trash.  This way they help society while at the same time "earning" the small amount of Social Security that the government sees fit to give back to them after a lifetime of contributing to the system.  As a group, they have to try to earn their keep and show that they still have worth.  Otherwise...  Ever seen the movie Soylent Green?  Watch it. 
     You know that all government services will be outsourced in the future; you see the beginning of it now with what's going on at NASA.  The GeezeCorps is a forward-looking plan prove our worth in the future.  You've heard of The Greatest Generation?  This will be The Desperate Generation.  Desperate to survive on pennies, desperate to stay relevant, and desperate to not be forgotten after our fair share of contributions towards keeping this country going.