Sunday, January 20, 2013

Concentric Circles, A Darkening Sky

     Back in the 1990's - two jobs ago and at least one lifetime - I got hooked on a late-night radio talk show hosted by the eminently odd and interesting Art Bell.  "Coast to Coast AM" brought out into the conscience of its listeners such diverse topics as UFOs, remote viewing, shadow people, Area 51, and something I've forgotten the name of but had to do with playing the actual words of people backwards and "hearing" their true feelings which were hidden in the garble and invariably contrary to what the person really said.  It was a diverse collection of topics that fascinated me.
     The now-retired Art had this way of using voice inflection to add weight to phrases and topics in sort of this off-handed unintentional manner.  When a guest would drop a bombshell or say something really profound, Art would many times make a slow, measured outing of breath that sounded to the ear like a mixture of "ah" and "oh."  When he did that, I knew he was telling the audience - probably subliminally - that whatever it was was a big whoop.  With Art, you kind of had to learn to read between the lines in order to get all that was going on.
     He eventually wrote several books, one of which was called "The Quickening."  The basic premise of the book was that the severity and frequency of events - including weather, the economy, politics, war, basically everything - were speeding up at a rate to the point where society and civilization would be unable to keep up with them.  It was a nice theory and one that sold a bunch of books for him.
     You see, Art had this way of making a living off of disaster and especially of the impending kind.  It was always about "six months from now" some comet would hit, or the aliens would come back via some prophecy, or some such other thing.  The idea of "The Quickening" was no different.  It spoke of the future and of our fate in being unable to cope with it.  For the most part - although he was very entertaining - I always thought deep down Art was kind of full of it.
     I'm not so sure anymore.
     The weather?  Does anyone think that winters are as they used to be?  Back in the day, the winter season would set in with cold and snow and it would not stop until it was good and ready.  Nowadays, Midwest winters are pretty mild with little to almost no snow.  Sydney, Australia, recently baked in a heat wave that reached into the 110's; sea levels are rising; the ice caps are apparently melting.
     The economy?  Does anyone think that we have a realistic chance to EVER pay off 16 Trillion dollars? 
     Politics?  We struggle and strain along party lines, so deeply entrenched as to make any kind of problem-solving nearly impossible.  Split along socio-economic and social issue divides, we fight and fight while the structure on which we stand slowly burns.
     War?  We continue to randomly kill each other in the name of...who knows?  Greed?  Land?  Religion?  Can anyone ever see an end to this?  Other than from divine intervention, is there some great era of enlightenment that will come to envelop us like sunshine and bubblegum and set us straight towards our fellow man?  Not likely.
     As a Christian, I've believed for a long time that the only thing that will save us will be some sort of divine intervention and we probably will have to take it right to the brink for that to happen.  I just don't see any other way out of this mess we've made.  Being humans, there was probably no other destiny for us.  
     Like concentric circles, we radiate outwards both individually and as groups all the while sharing a common center, and like it or not we're all in it together.  Maybe "The Quickening" is inevitable, given the huge number of humans who are alive and have access to ever-growing means of simply doing "things."  Modern humans have access to amazing technology and travel, while at the same time consuming more and more.  It's more than likely all inevitable, this speeding up of It All.  Meanwhile, the sky darkens.
     Whatever Art is doing now, he's probably smiling.  Maybe he fills his day with stacking sandbags outside his compound or checking on his emergency food supply.  I don't know.  But the man who I thought was a nut all those years ago probably had it right.  We're ever more rapidly moving towards an end and there's really nothing we can do about it except hold on and try to mitigate the impact once it comes.
     But Art?  Before the flares go up, can you do one thing?  Can you explain to me how remote viewing REALLY works?


  1. Enjoyed this post and the poll. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this book: .
    I think there is plenty of proof that UFOs do not come from deep space, but that there is something happening. I believe a more satisfying explanation is that they are dimensional (read spiritual). Flat Land by Abbot is a great read too.
    Thanks for talking about this!

  2. There could be a dimensional aspect to it...which might make as much sense as anything. I'm always reminded of a quote of Shakespeare, paraphrased sorta: "There are more things in heaven and earth that are dreamt of in your (one's) philosophy." I just think there's so many things out there both near and far that are going on that we have no clue about.

  3. It was more paraphrased than I thought :( "There are more things in heaven and earth THAN are dreamt of etc..."
